We're helping to feed people in need!
Last year demand for food relief in Australia hit an all-time high. With so many new people turning to charities for the first time in their lives.
That’s why we want to raise valuable funds to help OzHarvest get good food to those who need it most and keep their wheels turning so they can continue to support over 1,900 charities across the country.
Every dollar raised provides two meals. We'd love your support in helping us reach our fundraising goal!
Thank you to our Sponsors

Paris Golden

Paul Rhodes
All the best with it Paris

Stuart Harman
Nice one Paris. Great cause. Cook well.

Paris Golden

Yvonne Polec

Laird Creighton
Great initiative Paris. Good luck!

Caitlin Lewis
Good Luck :) An amazing cause!

Lucy Chen
good luck!

Howard Witten
Well done Paris ! Great charity to support.

James Eastham
Good on you Paris!

Richard Brogan
Great cause, good luck Paris

Brendon Wright
Never thought I’d pay for your cooking Paris, but OzHarvest’s goals are worth it and more.

Ian Holmes
A great cause and enjoy your cook up

Chloe Clark

Thuan Duong
Good luck Paris!

Nell Baier

Blair Lindsay

Justine Martin
Love the support of this charity Paris! #McCormick

Priyadarshini Sharma
Great initiative Paris. So proud of you. 😊 Cheers Priya

Soojin Park
Rooting out for the great initiative, Paris!

Beck Chapman
Good luck achieving your fund raising goal PG, looking forward to seeing the pics!

Nikki Moeschinger
Good luck getting to $10k Paris! An admirable ambition.

Sam C

Minerva Gerodias
All the best Paris!

Ms Karen Reynolds
Appreciate your participation in such a worthy cause Paris!